Sam Parks

Sep 20, 20192 min

Purplix Games reaches its first MVP!

Hey everyone, Its Sam from Purplix games!

With Alpha testing over, we know we have some things to introduce, change, and even remove. However, one thing is clear over all of this. We have reached our first MVP(minimum viable product)! It's exciting to see how truly far we have come as a studio in just a few weeks, and that's not even to mention the game. CAT has come all the way from an eight page script to a playable game in just that short time. Enough talk about us, here's the current big updates on game progress:

We have, as of today, finished our full design document to keep us on track. With this we have released our plan for development - including our stretches for our next builds and testing! This means that this is a plan of where our game will be going over the next few weeks.

Our already achieved MVP contains the base mechanics of the game and the "deterioration ending". If you want to see this so far and give feedback, contact me at or any of the Purplix team and we will set you up!

After that, here is a brief outline of our stretch goals from here:

1st: Add in the two other main endings, the complacency ending and the "true" ending. These would finish the main story of the game.

2nd: Add various unlockable endings. We are not releasing the names of these, because we want our players to work a little for it!

3rd: Polishing the game. Obviously, polishing will be done for each stretch, but this would be on a major scale. This polishing would include refining art and music, as well as style sheets for the game itself and any obvious bugs that came up.

4th: Port the game to the Google Play Store and App Store. This one's purely for you guys! we want you to be able to easily get access to our game so you can unlock all its secrets!

I'm super excited for where this is going! Dates and places for future tests will be released so that all of you can be there if you want to get an exclusive look at it.

Contact us for the opportunity to test the latest build and we'll set you up!
